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Özel Mercan Hastanesi

Quality Management System

According to the Ministry of Health Service Quality Standards, the Committee Establishment Team Handbook outlines the roles, operations, and meeting frequencies of each committee. Based on committee member lists, the Quality Management Director sends meeting announcements to all committee members via email. Meetings aim to measure, analyze, improve service quality standards, and conduct continuous improvement efforts for corrective/preventive actions.

Corporate Services

  • Quality Management

  • Document Management

  • Risk Management

Incident Reporting System

  • Emergency and Disaster Management

  • Education Management

  • Social Responsibility

Patient And Employee-Focused Services

  • Patient Experience

  • Access to Services

  • End-of-Life Services

  • Healthy Work Environment

Health Services

  • Patient Care

  • Medication Management

  • Infection Prevention

  • Sterilization Services

  • Transfusion Services

  • Radiation Safety

  • Emergency Services

  • Operating Room

  • Intensive Care Unit

  • Neonatal Intensive Care Unit

  • Maternity Services

  • Biochemistry Laboratory

  • Endoscopy

Support Services

  • Facility Management

  • Hospitality Services

  • Information Management System

  • Material and Device Management

  • Medical Record and Archive Services

  • Waste Management

  • External Resource Utilization

Indicator Management

  • Monitoring Indicators

  • Departmental Indicators

  • Clinical Indicators

Our Committees

  • With the participation of departmental quality officers, the following committees meet periodically throughout the year:

  • Quality Council (Management Review)

  • Committees

  • Patient Safety Committee

  • Education Committee

  • Facility Safety Committee

  • Infection Control Committee

  • Transfusion Committee

  • Radiation Safety Committee

  • Medication Management Committee

  • Patient Rights and Satisfaction Committee

  • Assessment and Care Committee

  • Boards

  • Medical and Ethics Board

  • Occupational Health and Safety Board

  • Disciplinary Board

  • Hospital Executive Board

  • Academic Board

  • Organ and Tissue Transplantation Coordination Board

  • Brain Death Board

  • Responsible Teams

  • Rational Drug Team

  • Palliative Care Team

  • Medical Device and Equipment Team

  • Building Tour Team

  • Emergency and Disaster Management Team

  • Nutrition Support Team (NST)

  • Laboratory Team

  • Clinical Quality Improvement Team

  • Medical Record and Documentation Team

  • Baby-Friendly Hospital Team

Incident Reporting System

In our hospital, reporting incidents that could threaten the safety of patients and employees, or incidents that were about to occur but did not, is ensured. Online notifications are made using the Incident Reporting Form or SKS documents. Notifications are evaluated by the Quality Unit, and improvement efforts are planned.

Physical Area Inspections

Regular building tours are conducted at our hospital to ensure continuous, safe, and easily accessible physical conditions for patients, their families, and staff. Within the framework of the Annual Facility Maintenance Plan and the Quality Management Annual Work Plan, periodic tours are conducted with the Building Tour Team. Corrective/preventive actions are initiated for identified discrepancies, and improvement efforts involving senior management are carried out.

Visitors And Attendants

Visitor rules for patients:

  • Visiting hours: Every day from 09:00 to 22:00.

  • Up to 2 visitors at a time.

  • Visits should be brief, quiet, and children under 10 should not be brought.

  • No outside food or drinks should be brought.

  • Due to infection risks, patient beds should not be used.

  • Attention to hand hygiene before and after visits.

  • Attendant rules and details for special circumstances are specified by hospital management.