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Özel Mercan Hastanesi

Medical Units: Dietitian

What is a Diet?

One of the cornerstones of a healthy life is proper nutrition. Our eating habits can directly affect our health status and determine our quality of life in the long run. Here are appropriate nutrition strategies for various life stages and health conditions:

Nutrition Counseling and Expertise

Getting support from a specialist in nutrition is important for creating personalized nutrition plans. Each individual’s needs are different, and specialists determine the most suitable nutrition program by considering individual health status and lifestyle.

What Can We Do for Healthy Weight Management?

Healthy weight management can be achieved through balanced nutrition and regular exercise. If you are overweight, working with a nutrition consultant can help you create a personalized plan. This plan will assist you in losing weight healthily and maintaining your ideal weight.

Healthy Eating Habits for Children

Eating habits acquired during childhood are crucial in later years. To instill healthy eating habits in children:

  • Consulting a dietitian,

  • Providing regular and balanced meals,

  • Encouraging fruit and vegetable consumption,

  • Offering natural and healthy alternatives instead of processed foods is important.

Nutrition Recommendations During Pregnancy and Breastfeeding

Nutrition is vital for the health of both mother and baby during pregnancy and breastfeeding. Recommendations include:

  • Consulting a specialist doctor or dietitian is always a priority,

  • Following a diet that includes sufficient amounts of essential nutrients such as folic acid, iron, and calcium,

  • Avoiding processed and sugary foods,

  • Regularly taking vitamin and mineral supplements as recommended by a doctor or nutrition specialist.

Diabetes Management and Nutrition

For individuals with diabetes, nutrition is a critical part of controlling blood sugar levels. For diabetes management:

  • Getting support from specialists such as dietitians and internists,

  • Preferring low glycemic index foods,

  • Eating fiber-rich foods and practicing portion control,

  • Creating an individualized diabetes management plan with a nutrition consultant is essential.

Special Nutrition Plans for Those with Weight Loss Issues

During the weight loss process, specialists recommend the right nutrition strategies for you:

  • Choosing low-calorie but nutritious foods,

  • Increasing protein and fiber intake,

  • Changing eating habits alongside an exercise routine.

Proper Nutrition Strategies for Digestive Health

Individuals with digestive system disorders should consult a specialist first:

  • Preferring high-fiber foods,

  • Increasing water consumption,

  • Including fermented foods in the diet.

Nutritional Approaches for Hospitalized Patients

Nutrition in a hospital setting is determined by considering the patient’s health status and treatment process. Here are nutritional strategies for hospitalized patients:

  • Creating special diets to meet protein and energy needs,

  • Providing foods that support the immune system,

  • Paying attention to food safety and the patient’s individual nutritional requirements.

Healthy nutrition is important for every age and condition, but the best results can be achieved with personalized planning. Getting nutrition counseling is one of the most important steps to gaining proper eating habits and supporting a healthy life. Remember, healthy eating should not just be a diet, but a part of your lifestyle.

This page content is for informational purposes only and contains general information on health topics. The information provided here should not be used for assessing your individual medical condition or for treatment recommendations by a healthcare professional. If you have any concerns or symptoms regarding your health, please consult a healthcare professional for an accurate diagnosis and treatment. Avoid applying treatment or management strategies on your own without professional medical assistance in any health issue.


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