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Özel Mercan Hastanesi
Genel Cerrahi.

General Surgery: What is General Surgery?

General surgery is a medical discipline that deals with the diagnosis and treatment of diseases requiring surgical intervention when medical treatment methods are insufficient. The Latin-derived word "chirurgiae" means "hand work," defining surgery as a discipline that requires manual skill and medical knowledge. General surgery is supported by specialist doctors and modern medical care units in fully equipped hospitals. Surgeries are performed in high-quality operating rooms, and postoperative care is a significant part of the patient recovery process.

Areas of Treatment in General Surgery

General surgeons demonstrate competence in many different medical fields, including oncology, endocrinology, and traumatology. General surgery covers a wide range of services, from digestive system diseases to thyroid gland surgeries, breast complaints to skin and soft tissue surgeries. Additionally, surgical intensive care units are vital for cases requiring intensive postoperative monitoring and treatment.

Modern Technologies and Methods

Robotic technology and modern treatment systems such as endoscopic and laparoscopic methods are significant components of general surgery. These technologies enable patients to be treated with less invasive methods and accelerate the recovery process. General surgery includes operations on many regions and organs such as abdominal organs, gastrointestinal system, breast diseases, endocrine system, and vascular surgery.

Common Diseases Encountered in General Surgery

General surgeons address common problems such as appendicitis, pilonidal disease, hemorrhoids, significant bleeding in stool, abdominal pain, chronic diarrhea and constipation, umbilical region pain, and groin pain. Emergency cases, accidents, and traumas also require critical interventions in general surgery. For example, conditions like gallbladder pain, pancreatic problems, cysts, and fistulas fall under the expertise of general surgery specialists.

General Surgical Diseases

General surgeons deal with various common problems. Here are some common diseases within the scope of general surgery:

  • Adenitis: Inflammation of lymph nodes.

  • Appendicitis: Inflammation of the appendix.

  • Intestinal Prolapse: Condition where the intestines protrude.

  • Fibroadenoma: Benign tumors in breast tissue.

  • Umbilical Hernia: Hernia formation in the umbilical region.

  • Goiter: Enlargement of the thyroid gland.

  • Hemorrhoids: Swelling of blood vessels in the rectum and anus.

  • Inguinal Hernia: Hernia formation in the groin region.

  • Pilonidal Sinus: Accumulation of hair under the skin.

  • Colon (Large Intestine) Cancer: Formation of cancer in the large intestine.

  • Anal Fissure: Crack formation around the anus.

  • Mastitis: Inflammation of breast tissue.

  • Breast Infection: Infection in breast tissue.

  • Esophagus - Esophageal Cancer: Formation of cancer in the esophagus.

  • Pancreatic Cancer: Formation of cancer in the pancreas.

  • Parathyroid Gland Diseases: Disease formation in the parathyroid gland.

  • Perianal Fistula: Formation of fistula around the anus.

  • Rectal Cancer: Formation of cancer in the rectum.

  • Gallbladder Inflammation: Inflammation of the gallbladder.

  • Gallbladder Cancer: Formation of cancer in the gallbladder.

    General Surgical Treatments

General surgery includes various surgical methods used in the treatment of different diseases. Here are some treatments applied within the scope of general surgery:

  • Accessory Breast Surgery: Surgical removal of additional breast tissue.

  • Kidney Transplantation: Transplanting donor kidneys to patients with kidney failure.

  • Ductoscopy (Mammoscopy/Mastoscopy): Examination of breast ducts.

  • Gastric Bypass: A gastric reduction surgery used in the treatment of obesity.

  • Hemorrhoidal Artery Ligation (Banding): Hemorrhoid treatment using Doppler.

  • HIPEC: Intra-abdominal hyperthermic chemotherapy application.

  • Bone Marrow Transplantation: Transplantation for patients with bone marrow deficiency.

  • Laparoscopic Colorectal Surgery: Laparoscopic treatment of colon and rectum diseases.

  • Breast-Conserving Surgery (BCS): Preservation of breast tissue in breast cancer treatment.

  • PIPAC: Pressurized intraperitoneal aerosol chemotherapy application.

  • SILS Method: Laparoscopic surgery performed through a single incision.

  • TOETVA – Scarless Thyroid Surgery: Thyroid surgery performed through the mouth.

  • Tube Gastrectomy: Gastric reduction surgery used in the treatment of obesity.

  • Whipple Procedure: Surgical method used in the treatment of pancreatic cancer.

Oncology and General Surgery

Another important treatment area of general surgery is oncology patients. Surgical oncology involves the surgical removal of tumor formations and cancerous tissues. Pathology and radiology units collaborate during this process, and treatment plans are made in conjunction with medical oncology. Preventive medicine principles are combined with surgical interventions to extend healthy life spans for patients.

Other Specific Diseases and Surgical Interventions

Specific diseases such as obesity surgery, thyroid diseases, liver problems, stomach issues, and intestinal problems also fall within the scope of general surgery. General surgeons work diligently to improve patients' quality of life and achieve positive outcomes. Each surgery and treatment is planned and implemented considering the individual health condition and needs of the patient.

This page content is for informational purposes only and provides general information about general health topics. The information presented here should not be used for the purpose of a health professional evaluating your individual medical condition or providing treatment recommendations. If you have any concerns or symptoms related to your health condition, please consult a healthcare professional for a definitive diagnosis and treatment. Avoid applying treatment or management strategies on your own before seeking professional medical assistance for any health issues.


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