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Özel Mercan Hastanesi

Orthopedics and Traumatology

What is Orthopedics and Traumatology?

Orthopedics and traumatology is a medical specialty that deals with the diagnosis and treatment of diseases and injuries of the human skeletal system. This field aims to improve the health and functionality of structures such as bones, joints, muscles, tendons, and ligaments. While orthopedics typically involves both surgical and non-surgical interventions, traumatology focuses primarily on fractures, dislocations, and other acute injuries.

What Conditions Does Orthopedics and Traumatology Address?

Orthopedics and traumatology cover a wide range of health issues, including sports injuries, spinal disorders (e.g., herniated discs), degenerative diseases (e.g., osteoarthritis), hip and knee problems, congenital disorders (e.g., hip dysplasia), bone infections, and tumors. Each of these conditions may require specific treatment methods.

Orthopedic and trauma specialists represent a medical branch specializing in various muscle, bone, and joint problems. This field encompasses a wide range of diseases and typically deals with the following conditions:

  • Bone Fractures: All types of bone fractures, particularly the correction and healing of fractured bone ends.

  • Spinal Disc Herniations: Displacement of discs in specific areas of the spine leading to nerve compression.

  • Congenital Hip Dislocations: Hip joint problems occurring before or during birth.

  • Meniscus Injuries: Tears or damage to the meniscus tissue in the knee joint.

  • Joint Pains and Arthrosis: Pain and movement restrictions resulting from joint tissue wear.

  • Joint Ligament Injuries: Sprains, strains, or tears of joint ligaments due to sports or trauma.

  • Sports Injuries: Various muscle, tendon, and joint injuries experienced by athletes.

  • Nerve Compressions: Pain and loss of movement due to nerve compression by bone or soft tissues.

  • Extremity Length Discrepancies: Congenital or acquired differences in leg lengths and treatment methods.

  • Arthroplasty Surgery: Placement of joint prostheses and restoration of joint functions.

  • Hand Surgery and Microsurgery: Complex surgical interventions and nerve repairs related to the hand and wrist.

  • Shoulder and Elbow Surgery: Various surgical interventions related to the shoulder and elbow joint.

  • Orthopedic Oncology: Surgical treatment and follow-up of bone and soft tissue tumors.

  • Foot and Ankle Surgery: Surgical interventions related to the foot and ankle and correction of deformities.

  • Trauma and Emergency Management: Immediate intervention required for musculoskeletal injuries resulting from sports or accidents.

Diagnostic Methods Used in Orthopedics and Traumatology

The diagnostic process in orthopedics and traumatology begins with various imaging techniques. These include X-rays, computed tomography (CT), magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), and ultrasonography. These imaging methods allow for detailed examination of tissues and assist in making accurate diagnoses. Additionally, blood tests and specific tests play a significant role in the diagnostic process.

Treatment Methods Applied in Orthopedics and Traumatology

Treatment methods in orthopedics and traumatology vary depending on the type of disease or injury. Surgical interventions may include fracture corrections, joint prostheses, and soft tissue reconstructions. Non-surgical treatment options include medication, physical therapy, rehabilitation programs, and patient education. The treatment process is personalized based on the patient's condition and needs.

Orthopedics and traumatology play a crucial role in preserving and improving musculoskeletal health. Specialists adopt a multidisciplinary approach with advanced technology and surgical skills to enhance patients' quality of life.

Treatment Processes in Orthopedics and Traumatology

Treatment processes in orthopedics and traumatology are personalized based on the patient's condition. The treatment process is shaped by the severity of the disease or injury, the patient's overall health status, and the response to treatment. In cases requiring surgical intervention, a detailed preparation process is followed before surgery, while rehabilitation and long-term follow-up are crucial for non-surgical treatment options.

This article aims to increase awareness of the information provided in orthopedics and traumatology and aims to answer basic questions of those interested in this field. It aims to help patients and healthcare professionals make more informed decisions based on this information.

This page content is for informational purposes only and contains general information about general health issues. The information provided here should not be used for the purpose of evaluating an individual's medical condition or providing treatment recommendations. If you have any concerns or symptoms related to your health condition, please consult a healthcare professional for a definitive diagnosis and treatment. Please refrain from applying treatment or management strategies on your own before seeking professional medical assistance for any health concerns.


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