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Özel Mercan Hastanesi

Which Doctor Should You See for Heart Health: Cardiologist, Internist, or Family Physician?

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Doctors specialized in heart health are known as cardiologists. Cardiologists are experts in diagnosing and treating heart diseases. They play a crucial role in managing conditions such as heart attack, arrhythmia, hypertension, and heart failure. Regular visits to a cardiologist are essential for monitoring your heart health and detecting potential issues early. Cardiologists perform necessary tests and create appropriate treatment plans. Regular consultations with cardiologists are important for maintaining heart health.


Internists have an important role in evaluating your overall health and monitoring your heart health. They help manage risk factors for heart disease, such as hypertension, diabetes, and cholesterol. Regular check-ups with an internist monitor your general health and help you take preventive measures for heart health. Internists can refer you to cardiologists when necessary. General health screenings and check-ups are important for maintaining heart health.

Family Physician

Family physicians provide primary healthcare services and play a key role in evaluating your overall health. Family physicians conduct regular check-ups to monitor your heart health and manage risk factors like hypertension, cholesterol, and diabetes. They guide you in managing these conditions and perform general health screenings and check-ups to help maintain your heart health. Family physicians can refer you to cardiologists or internists when necessary. Regular consultations with your family physician are important for monitoring your heart health.

This content is for informational purposes only and provides general information on health topics. The information presented here is not intended to replace the evaluation or treatment recommendations of a healthcare professional. If you have any concerns or symptoms related to your health, please consult a healthcare professional for an accurate diagnosis and treatment. Avoid self-administering treatment or management strategies without professional medical assistance for any health issue.

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