Oral and Dental Health


Today, implants are indisputably the best alternative to native teeth. Dental implants not only offer better speech and chewing function in comparison to conventional bridges and prosthesis, but they are also associated with a natural look of the face. Dental implant is a therapy method, which offers successful outcomes for both patient and dentist, if the condition is correctly diagnosed and procedure is performed by experienced and competent dentists with quality equipment.
Briefly, implant refers to an artificial root of tooth that is made from appropriate material and placed in the jaw bone in order to restore function and aesthetic appearance of missing tooth. Dental implant is an appropriate option to correct loss of one tooth or multiple teeth, if there is sufficient reserve of bone to allow placement of the implant. The jaw bone, where the implant is positioned, should have height and volume enough to keep the implant in place. Quality of the bone is among factors that pose influence on success of the implant. Moreover, gums should be completely healthy before treatment is started and as long as implant stays in the mouth. As long as general health status of the patient is good, there is no upper limit of age for the implant, but it may not be preferred in very young patients with incomplete bone development.

Our hospital’s Oral and Dental Health Clinic works to provide optimal oral and dental health service with its physical structure designed in highest quality standards, cutting edge technological equipment, professional staff who are trained with the best available means and its strong dynamism.
Our teeth play a very efficient role when we chew, talk, sing and laugh. When we lose our teeth, they become slightly more complex. If you had ever lost one or more than one tooth, you must have realized their impact in your appearance and oral health. However, we are so lucky that there are several methods for compensating lost teeth.
Color and shape defects of the teeth cause problems that may even include psychological conditions. Many shape, color and position disorders can be corrected in the field of dentistry, as aesthetic and restorative materials had shown tremendous development.

Many color-, shape- and location-related disorders can be easily resolved, as aesthetic and restorative materials are developed in the field of the dentistry. Bleaching of teeth with discoloration is more practical and hazardless in comparison to other restorative methods.
Bleaching procedure aims eliminating discolorations and stains in teeth (enamel and dentin). Number of sessions is dictated by the degree of bleaching, how fast the results are needed and the decision of the dentist.
This procedure is performed in our clinic as it is described below:
1. Bleaching medicine is placed over the tooth by a dentist who is experienced in this procedure.
2. Blue/Green light source is shed on the teeth which are covered with bleaching medicine.
3. The outcome can be witnessed immediately after procedure is completed.